Congress venue — Hotel Galant, Mikulov
Organizer – Czech Concrete Society (CBS)
Congress topics
❚ Materials: Advanced concrete compositions, including alternative binders, passive and
prestressed reinforcements, steel, non-metallic, textile reinforced concrete, UHPC etc.
❚ Concrete structures: Buildings, bridges, tunnels, industrial structures, water structures
including composite structures: concrete concrete, steel-concrete, wood-concrete and
reinforced masonry structures, etc. – practical examples showing building in current conditions
❚ Design methods: Conceptual design, detailed design, design criteria, modern methods of dimensioning, application of numerical methods and advanced systems incl. BIM,
quality control of the design (checking processes)
❚ Methods of construction: cast in situ and precast, composite structures, advanced
methods like 3D printing, etc.
❚ Durability of structures: factors infl uencing durability of structures, durable structures
❚ Sustainable structures: examples of sustainable structures and design for sustainability
❚ Rehabilitation of concrete structures: strengthening, reconstructions, new technologies
❚ Life cycle assessment: prediction methods, experience from existing structures
Congress language
The official language of the Congress is English.
More information on the congress website.